Vampire Face Lift by Sylvia Silvestri
Subscription Training Videos
World renown nurse educator and expert injector Sylvia Silverstri has taught hundreds of nurses and doctors the art of Botox and Fillers. She is one of Dr. Runels top educators in both volume and quality of teaching. She demonstrates how to do a Vampire Face Lift for her class of nurses with a calm confidence.
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ThermiVa and Vampire Wing Lift for Ma...
This video shows the combination procedure of radiofrequency ThermiVa and Vampire Wing Lift with PRP and HA for Labia Majora Deflation and Laxity. She chose a labia minora surgery and wanted more majora prominence instead of majora reduction.
Testosterone Pellet Placement
Step-by-step procedure guide on how to place BioTE pellets into a patient’s buttock. The equipment needed is shown as well as the actual placement of pellets under the skin and into the buttock fat.
Large Volume Vampire Wing Lift Set Up...
A step-by-step video tutorial on how to mix PRP with HA for labia majora augmentation, Vampire Wing Lifts, treatment of Lichen Sclerosis and Vulvar Vestibulitis