Barbie/Hybrid Labiaplasty with CHR: Unipolar and Bipolar Radiofrequency
Subscription Training Videos
1h 40m
This Core live narrated video reviews the process from start to finish in great detail and is sped up 4x in many sections. It starts with 3D photography, demonstration of Predictive Permeation to numb vulvovaginal tissues, shows the equipment needed for surgery, the prep, the setup, the local anesthesia injections, markings, Unipolar RF incision, Bipolar RF Excision of labia and lateral clitoral hood, suturing, post op 3D photography, and ends with a post op care discussion by Dr. Alinsod. This is an excellent live narrated review video before you do a case on your own.
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3D Photography with Vectra
Single Shot 3D photography with the Vectra system is shown. This simple technique makes the process of viewing the surgical site in various angles with a single photograph astounding and will make 2D photography obsolete once the costs are comparable. This is a short Core lecture that augments ...
Gynecologic Photography: The Basics (...
This is the end segment of #0 Gynecologic Photography for Dummies Lecture. Dr. Alinsod goes through the entire photography sequence for those who want to review the steps with a live model without the PowerPoint lecture.