Vaginal Softening Exercises
Module S5 - Vaginoplasty - $8000
2m 39s
This essential Core video is for patients to view before and after surgeries involving the posterior compartment and perineum. It is intended to show the patient how to soften and provide skin flexibility to reduce and eliminate post op pain from scars or from menopausal changes such as GSMspecifically in the perineal region.Itis not narrated but does have descriptions of the steps shown on the left lower page. It is set to background music. The nursingstaff typically show the patients the video and answers their questions after.
Up Next in Module S5 - Vaginoplasty - $8000
Radiofrequency Feathering of External...
Perineoplasty and Excision of Externa...
This segment of an extended video concentrates only on the perineoplasty and removal of an external anal skin tag as part of a full labial reduction surgery. It is a Core video. The anal skin tag is excised and sutured and not vaporized. The commentary is live and in real time during a trainin...
Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty Equipm...
An inexpensive way to set up to do vaginoplasty surgery in the office is demonstrated. Basic equipment, sterile towels, radiosurgical tools, Lone Star Retractor are displayed. Proper table height, patient leg support, surgeon elbow support is stressed for an ergonomic surgery. This is a Core v...