Vampire Facial: Microneedling and Predictive Permeation
Module NS1 Synergy O-Shot and RF Training - $2500
The video starts with instructions on how to collect and prepare blood to obtain PRP. The collection of blood, centrifugation of blood, and collection of PRP is shown. The face is then treated first with radiofrequency to tighten the skin and encourage new collagen and fibrin formation from fibroblasts. Microneedling follows and PRP is dripped onto the face and go down the skin holes just created. Also demonstrated is the alternative treatment of using Predictive Permeation in conjunction or instead of microneedling to get PRP deep under the skin. Before and After photos show the reduction in pore size, tightening and brilliance of skin. For a very modest fee, licensure with Dr. Runels and ACCMA is available upon request to allow the use of copyrights such as O-Shot and Vampire procedures.
Up Next in Module NS1 Synergy O-Shot and RF Training - $2500
The Baby Face Facial Predictive Perme...
The placement of Amniotic Fluid under the skin instead of PRP for use as the biologic, to give the skin that special glow, is called the “Baby Face Facial.” In this video we use Predictive Permeation to open the water channels to push collagen and amniotic fluid deep under the skin similar to th...
Carboxytherapy for Gynecology
Presented is the complete and updated original material on Carboxytherapy from pioneer clinician and researcher Gustavo Leibashoff as shared and presented by Red Alinsod. This is the longer and sharper/clearer version of video #7 Carboxytherapy with CO2LiftV. The history of Caroxytherapy use i...