Q-Tip Exercise to Prevent Aggultination
Global Access
1m 38s
This patient is 9 Days Post Op a Feathering with RF and I wanted the raw edges not to agglutinate together. The very short video was shot live as I instructed the patient on how to prevent the surgical edges from sticking together. Her post op course is documented by photos.
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Q-Tip Exercise to Prevent Agglutination
This is a short video on how to use a Q-tip to prevent the agglutination and sticking of edges after Feathering Resurfacing surgery. Feathered and resurfaced areas have a tendency to stick together and can be painful when pulled on. This live video of showing a patient in real time how to keep ...
Q-Tip Exercise
Cheat Sheet - Q-Tip Exercise HD -S
This is a short video on how to use a Q-tip to prevent the agglutination and sticking of edges after Feathering Resurfacing surgery. Feathered and resurfaced areas have a tendency to stick together and can be painful when pulled on. This live video of showing...
Q-Tip Exercise
This is a short video on how to use a Q-tip to prevent the agglutination and sticking of edges after surgery. Feathered and resurfaced areas have a tendency to stick together and can be painful when pulled on. This live video of showing a patient in real time how to keep the edges separated is ...