Radiofrequency Vaporization of Hymeneal Remnants for Dyspareunia
Global Access
Hymeneal remnants can sometimes be unsightly to patients and their partners. They can be mistakenly thought to be venereal warts. They can sometimes cause pulling and tugging and discomfort during sex. Shown in this video is an easy office procedure under local anesthesia to both vaporize and excise these tissues using RF with both a fine hair tip and a ball tip. The procedure takes 6 weeks to heal and is typically undetectable a couple months out.
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Radiofrequency Feathering of External...
Another Core 4K video, RF Feathering is performed to vaporize an anal skin tag without the need of excision and suturing. This is done under local anesthesia as continued shrinkage occurs. The ball tip is used to shrink the external anal skin tags with multiple passes. This allows for dramatic...
Radiofrequency Feathering of External...
Q-Tip Exercise to Prevent Aggultination
This patient is 9 Days Post Op a Feathering with RF and I wanted the raw edges not to agglutinate together. The very short video was shot live as I instructed the patient on how to prevent the surgical edges from sticking together. Her post op course is documented by photos.