Barbie/Hybrid Labiaplasty with CHR: Unipolar and Bipolar Radiofrequency
1h 40m
This Core live narrated video reviews the process from start to finish in great detail and is sped up 4x in many sections. It starts with 3D photography, demonstration of Predictive Permeation to numb vulvovaginal tissues, shows the equipment needed for surgery, the prep, the setup, the local anesthesia injections, markings, Unipolar RF incision, Bipolar RF Excision of labia and lateral clitoral hood, suturing, post op 3D photography, and ends with a post op care discussion by Dr. Alinsod. This is an excellent live narrated review video before you do a case on your own.
Barbie and Hybrid Look Labiaplasty Steps
This is The Core Lecture on Hybrid and Barbie Look Labiaplasty demonstrating Dr. Alinsod’s technique using radiosurgical tools for extreme precision. If you will only watch one of Dr. Alinsod’s labiaplasty videos this is the one to choose. A definite must-see discussion on how to find landmarks...
Cheat Sheet- Band Release
This case covers a span of several years and illustrates what can happen when there is estrogen loss and menopausal changes in the vulvovaginal areas. In summary, the patient underwent both labiaplasty and vaginoplasty and did very well until years later when GSM resulted in a tight introitis, d...
Anatomy Posterior Animation
Excellent Animated review of the Posterior Compartment