Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction, VCHR, LMF, O-Shot - Short
4m 50s
Cheat Sheet - Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction
This short Introductory Video shows the basic steps of Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction for prominent majora and Camel Toes. It takes a glimpse of a Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction and Labia Minora Feathering. It is general in nature and not detailed.
13 Clitoral Reduction and Medial Clit...
Cheat Sheet - 13 Clitoral Reduction and Medial Clitoral Hood Reduction 2024
ThermiVa with Vampire Wing Lift
Cheat Sheet - AIAVS Fellows Video 58, Live Narrated ThermiVa with Vampire Wing Lift
Q-Tip Exercise
Cheat Sheet - Q-Tip Exercise HD -S
This is a short video on how to use a Q-tip to prevent the agglutination and sticking of edges after Feathering Resurfacing surgery. Feathered and resurfaced areas have a tendency to stick together and can be painful when pulled on. This live video of showing...