Clitoral Hood Reduction: Lateral and Vertical Approaches
Cheat Sheet - Clitoral Hood Reduction: Lateral and Vertical Approaches
This is a Core video on how to perform both the traditional Lateral Clitoral Hood Reduction and the Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction techniques under local anesthesia developed by Dr. Red Alinsod. This is the slightly shorte...
Q-Tip Exercise
This is a short video on how to use a Q-tip to prevent the agglutination and sticking of edges after surgery. Feathered and resurfaced areas have a tendency to stick together and can be painful when pulled on. This live video of showing a patient in real time how to keep the edges separated is ...
Perineoplasty, Hybrid Barbie Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction
5.6.Alinsod 3B Labia Majora Plasty with Fat Pad Excision, 10:335.6.1.Description:This short historical video from 2012 has been used in Dr. Alinsod’s Preceptorship programs and shown worldwide at numerous Congresses. A basic in-office awake labia majoraplasty is demonstrated with the addition of ...
ThermiVa for Gynecology - Short
This is the Abbreviated PowerPoint Lecture on ThermiVa and how it is performed. It was filmed for an International Congress with Dr. Alinsod on the screen. Covered are the history of RF in gynecology, FDA issues, the effects of RF, histopathology of RF, clinical uses of RF for genital health, s...
Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction, VCHR, LMF, O-Shot - Short
Cheat Sheet - Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction
This short Introductory Video shows the basic steps of Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction for prominent majora and Camel Toes. It takes a glimpse of a Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction and Labia Minora Feathering. It is general in n...
Posterior Compartment Repair Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty
This Core video demonstrates a posterior compartment repair using native tissue via the levatorplasty approach. It is combined with a perineoplasty and small enterocele repair. It is able to provide a reduction in vaginal diameter to increase frictional forces. This video has been presented in se...
Alinsod Labiaplasty Technique: Barbie Goes International - Short
Another video created during the 2020 COVID Pandemic that is International in scope and highly descriptive in details given. Secrets taught only in Laguna Beach by Dr. Alinsod were shared with a large audience of Cosmetic Surgeons attending the webinar given live. Cover topics include the ratio...
Combined Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction
This is the short historical version of Alinsod 4A In-Office VP, Perineo, Hybrid LP, CHR Full Version, and covers the set-up, draping, marking, anesthesia, vaginoplasty with perineoplasty, labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction. It is used by Dr. Alinsod as a review right before entering a simil...
Q-Tip Exercise to Prevent Aggultination
This patient is 9 Days Post Op a Feathering with RF and I wanted the raw edges not to agglutinate together. The very short video was shot live as I instructed the patient on how to prevent the surgical edges from sticking together. Her post op course is documented by photos.
Non-Surgical Treatments for Pelvic Organ Prolapse & Stress Urinary Incontinence
This short presentation on non-surgical modalities that can help reduce the symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Stress Urinary Incontinence has been given worldwide since 2016. It is updated as new technology and techniques have appeared. It addresses early history of RF use and its developme...
Carboxytherapy for Gynecology - Short
Presented is the short version of the original material on Carboxytherapy (#7 Carboxytherapy with CO2LiftV) from pioneer clinician and researcher Gustavo Leibashoff as shared and presented by Red Alinsod. The history of Caroxytherapy use is described from injected CO2 to the current gel now avai...
Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty Review
This short historical review of a Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty is typically narrated by Dr. Alinsod live to his Fellows right before starting a similar surgery. It is intended to give a visual reference for learning the steps and anatomy prior to the live demonstration in the office.
Labia Majoraplasty with Radiofrequency Feathering
This historical short video shows labia majoraplasty and RF Feathering of thick keloid scars on a transgender Male to Female patient. This video has been used for over a decade to show the basic principles of labia majoraplasty surgery and RF Feathering and Resurfacing. Background music with no n...
Labiaplasty Set Up and Draping Patient View
This abbreviated short video shows how Dr. Alinsod uses inexpensive and reusable sterile towels to drape a patient for in-office, awake, no-IV labiaplasty and vaginoplasty. This is from the patient’s point of view. It starts with a demonstration of draping then an overview of surgical tools. T...
The O-Shot, PRP, PPP, and Amniotic Fluid
A short but detailed Core video on how PRP/O-Shot is injected into the clitoris, anterior compartment/G-Spot region, and how it is also used for OAB and LS. This is an excellent review. For a very modest fee, licensure with Dr. Runels and ACCMA is available upon request to allow the use of copy...
This video is a short segment of LNS1 v1 Live Narrated Vaginoplasty 101 with CHR, Grooving, Feathering Resurfacing, Q-Tip, O-Shot 4K. It only covers the details of a vaginoplasty and perineoplasty including the markings, anesthesia, Pudendal and Levator Blocks details. This patient does not hav...
Amniotic Fluid for Gynecologic Conditions
The novel use of Amniotic Fluid for medical conditions and specific gynecologic conditions are presented at the ISCG 2020 meeting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The current state of amniotic fluid access in the United States is discussed as well as the advantages for clinical uses. Dr. Alinsod pr...
Hybrid Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Feathering
This is a shortened video for review. Basic Hybrid Labiaplasty is performed with a minor Feathering and Resurfacing of the clitoral hood added to help achieve symmetry. Anesthesia, markings, incision, excision, layered suturing, and Before and After results are shown.
Perineoplasty, Vaginoplasty, Barbie Labiaplasty, Medial & Lateral A Incisions
Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty
This short historical review of a Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty is typically narrated by Dr. Alinsod live to his Fellows right before starting a similar surgery. It is intended to give a visual reference for learning the steps and anatomy prior to the live demonstration in the office.
3D Photography with Vectra
Single Shot 3D photography with the Vectra system is shown. This simple technique makes the process of viewing the surgical site in various angles with a single photograph astounding and will make 2D photography obsolete once the costs are comparable. This is a short Core lecture that augments ...
#24 Hybrid Barbie LP, CHR, ThermiVa and Vampire Short Summary
Non-Surgical Treatments for Pelvic Organ Prolapse & Stress Urinary Incontinence
This short presentation on non-surgical modalities that can help reduce the symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Stress Urinary Incontinence has been given worldwide since 2016. It isupdated as new technology and techniques have appeared. It addresses early history of RF use and its development ...
Perineoplasty, Hybrid Barbie Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction
5.6.Alinsod 3B Labia Majora Plasty with Fat Pad Excision, 10:335.6.1.Description:This short historical video from 2012 has been used in Dr. Alinsod’s Preceptorship programs and shown worldwide at numerous Congresses. A basic in-office awake labia majoraplasty is demonstrated with the addition of ...