Clitoral Hood Reduction: Lateral and Vertical Approaches
Cheat Sheet - Clitoral Hood Reduction: Lateral and Vertical Approaches
This is a Core video on how to perform both the traditional Lateral Clitoral Hood Reduction and the Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction techniques under local anesthesia developed by Dr. Red Alinsod. This is the slightly shorter version of video #19 that follows.
Up Next in Shorts
Q-Tip Exercise
This is a short video on how to use a Q-tip to prevent the agglutination and sticking of edges after surgery. Feathered and resurfaced areas have a tendency to stick together and can be painful when pulled on. This live video of showing a patient in real time how to keep the edges separated is ...
Perineoplasty, Hybrid Barbie Labiapla...
5.6.Alinsod 3B Labia Majora Plasty with Fat Pad Excision, 10:335.6.1.Description:This short historical video from 2012 has been used in Dr. Alinsod’s Preceptorship programs and shown worldwide at numerous Congresses. A basic in-office awake labia majoraplasty is demonstrated with the addition of ...
ThermiVa for Gynecology - Short
This is the Abbreviated PowerPoint Lecture on ThermiVa and how it is performed. It was filmed for an International Congress with Dr. Alinsod on the screen. Covered are the history of RF in gynecology, FDA issues, the effects of RF, histopathology of RF, clinical uses of RF for genital health, s...